JUMARP, or La Asociación de Productores Cafetaleros Juan Marco “El Palto,” unites farmers in the El Palto area of the Yamón district, located in the Utcubamba province of Amazonas region in northern Peru. JUMARP was founded in the Amazonian Andes of Northern Peru by José Carranza Barboza and 35 smallholder founders in 2003 out of a desire to develop a new model of growing and exporting coffee, including an ambitious program for quality improvement. Because coffee production in the region began in the 50’s, farming practices relied heavily on the use of agro-chemicals. After many decades, this group realized that united they would stand stronger in the commercialization of their coffee and decided to start sustainable coffee production in harmony with the native forest.

JUMARP has 350 members and 12 people who manage the cooperative. Members have access to personalized technical assistance and social support, such as credits for health care and funeral services. They also provide their coffee marketing services for the national and international markets under strict quality standards and are FTO certified. To guarantee democratic decision making, JUMARP focuses on channeling market knowledge to producers so they can make informed and participatory decisions.

These values translate to a stellar cup, with notes of passionfruit, guava, nectarine, butterscotch. Growing Caturra, Typica, and Catimor, elevations range from 1300- 1800 masl. The microclimate in which they farm is called the “Selva Alta,” a specific type of ecosystem found in Peru and Mexico, with dense, humid forests.